Case Study: Retro-Commissioning

Case Study: Retro-Commissioning Illustration
Case Study

Utility tracking and benchmarking provides valuable insights into building performance while also uncovering opportunities to improve performance and reduce operating costs.

The Eddy, Boston, MA
The Eddy, Boston, MA
The Eddy, Boston, MA

Retro-commissioning – a process involving technical experts who examine and recalibrate building equipment setpoints to ensure optimal energy performance – is a key efficiency and climate mitigation strategy. Retro-commissioning projects were previosuly completed at The Eddy and EMME, and several other Green Cities properties have previously documented energy and cost reductions from retro-commissioning efforts.

200 W. Adams

200 W. Adams, a highly efficient and all-electric commercial office property, realized notable annual energy savings largely through equipment programming changes. With a $15k investment in retro-commissioning, the property achieved $32k in verified annual energy savings, the equivalent of a 7% reduction in total house energy use.

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.  Investment returns may experience results that differ materially from those shown herein.

200 W. Adams, Chicago, IL
200 W. Adams, Chicago, IL

420 E. Ohio

420 E. Ohio, a multifamily property built in 1991, also achieved significant energy savings through a rigorous retro-commissioning effort aligned with the property’s LEED certification. The property implemented five energy efficiency measures which resulted in verified annual electricity savings of $20k. With a net investment of $23k, retro-commissioning resulted in a 1.2 year payback.

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.  Investment returns may experience results that differ materially from those shown herein.

420 E Ohio, Chicago, IL
420 E Ohio, Chicago, IL